
Weight Loss for Women : 2 Books in 1 - Intermittent Fasting for Women, Keto Diet for Beginners


Keto Diet for Beginners: A 14 Day Guide to Lose Weight, and Feel Amazing - Keto Recipes (2020 Edition)

Have you ever wondered what the Keto diet is? Have you ever wondered how it can be used to improve your life and your health? Have you ever wondered how exactly to begin the keto diet?All of the answers to these questions and many more are contained within these pages! Whatever your reasoning for wanting to learn more about the keto diet, this book will guide you through it. If you are trying to lose weight, it will teach you the best and safest ways to do so using this diet.

Learning the science behind why and how a diet works is extremely helpful in ensuring that the diet lasts as a part of your life and that it doesn’t just become another phase. This book will walk you through the science of the keto diet so that you can develop a deep understanding of what exactly it does to your body and how this leads to the numerous benefits I have mentioned. By the time you finish, you will feel confident and comfortable beginning this new lifestyle.

Intermittent Fasting for Women: A Guide to Burn Fat, Weight Loss, Improve Health, Healing – Low Carb Keto Diet Recipes

Are you...

dieting all the time but never losing those stubborn pounds? desperately looking for a weight loss strategy that won’t wreck your metabolism in the long run? too fond of delicious meals to stick to a diet that consists of salad and chicken breasts? Intermittent fasting is a new lifestyle designed to ensure that you get the most out of every meal you eat. The idea is that you don’t need to change what you are eating. You merely need to change how often you are eating it and better understand how to prepare healthy meals. By working with your body’s natural rhythms, you can start seeing real gains regarding weight loss and muscle built in as little as one month.