
YOU CAN QUOTE ME ON THIS : Words To Empower You and Awaken Your Consciousness


YOU CAN QUOTE ME ON THIS is not your ordinary book of quotes. It is a compilation of the author’s original written quotes based on her life experiences of pain and success, transformations, emotions, observations and insights. These quotes will change the way you think and will make you reexamine how you live your life on a daily basis. For each quote, there are comments and back-stories to further understand the message it is trying to convey which makes for a more interesting read. This is a good companion and reference book to use as it provides hope, and motivation and reminds you of your true nature and power as a human being.

What You Will Get From The Book:

‱100 plus originally written quotes

‱Stories, insights, observations on how each quote came about

‱Motivational, inspirational, thought-provoking information

‱A new mindset

A GREAT GIFT for your someone special, your friends and family, or perhaps your client, or simply a giveaway.

UpplÀsare: Susan Fouche