Cooper Brothers in Alaska

Faye A life of passion and adventure, of beauty and music, and all the glitz and glam that comes from success. That’s what I used to dream of each night, and what I am fortunate to live with now
 But I’m growing tired of it all. And if that doesn’t make sense to me... then I don’t know what will right now. A trip to cold corners of the earth is what I needed. Seeing the snowy view from high up in the plane promised a few days of isolated leisure, but when we landed I felt something shift. When he looked at me from across the tarmac
 Something changed... Damien. My guide to the mountains but maybe my guide to more
 Is the wind whispering that he’s what I’m looking for? Damien Now, she was not what I was expecting! She’s a picture of freedom when trekking alone in the wilderness. It’s as if she comes alive! I’ve never known somebody like her but I feel that she's keeping something hidden under that beautiful glowing skin Faye
 A unique name. Mysterious
 Yet, I’m not looking for mystery. I’ve had enough secrets for a lifetime
 I don’t want to open up to this new electricity in the wind. I don’t want to give away my love only to suffer terrible heartache. I won’t do that again. The betrayal from my best friend, the pain she caused
Love just isn’t worth it. But when Faye landed
 I felt the breeze dance