A romance originally published in 1922 that holds up very well into the 21st century. „Charles Rex” is a sequel of „The Hundredth Chance” written by Ethel May Dell (1881-1939) who was a British writer of popular romance novels. Her stories are often full of passion and love and are set in India and other British colonial possessions. Not being a family man, Charles Rex travels widely and to some point aimlessly. On his last night in Italy, he rescues a small boy from a beating by his employer. What leads thereafter is an entanglement of duty, loyalty, love and honor bound marriages. This is a really fast moving, enjoyable romance with an interesting look at English society after the devastation of World War One.
Der Milliardär auf dem Maskenball und 2 andere Liebesromane
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Leslie Garber, Sidney Gardner, Ethel M. Dell
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Leslie Garber, Eva Joachimsen, Ethel M. Dell
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Ethel M. Dell
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Ethel M. Dell
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Ethel M. Dell
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Ethel M. Dell
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Ethel M. Dell
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Ethel M. Dell