Rickard and Sten have a lot to talk about with each other and it feels good to be together again.
However, soon they will be forced to leave each other again, to go to a permanent family home.
On an evening ride, Rickard tells about all the terrible things that happened with his last foster parents, which made him escape. And he wanted to go back here to Sten.
Inside Rickard’s room, they play TV games. Everything feels good and normal again. And Sten looks up to Rickard, who has become like a best big brother.
Rickard helps Sten plan and make good escape plans. And Sten thinks that Rickard is good at this escaping thing.
Because when the day comes, when it’s time to go with the new permanent foster parents, to Stockholm – well, no, it can’t be done. He refuses. And then he plans to escape.
(For more pictures, information, and sample reading see www.panen.se)