
The Language of the Moon - for Beginners


In magic a special language is spoken - not the spells, not the old languages that nobody uses for thousands of years, not the language of grimoires ... but the language of images.

This language is direct and sincere and true - it is what it is, it tells how it is, it shows the innermost essence of what is signified ... the words of this language are a reflection of what they point to.

The language of magic needs the connection to what it wants, it must be accurate, without inner contradiction ... otherwise this language has no magical effect.

The language of magic works in the subconsciousness - and the subconsciousness is not judgmental, it is not moral, it hides nothing, it sees everything ... and that is where magic works.

The words of magic direct the life-force - and what is the life-force but the "substance" of the subconsciousness? ... therefore the language of the magicians must be a True Language.

The language of magic in astrology is the Moon: the inner images, the dreams, the dream journeys, the visions, the symbols, the omens, the fairy tales, the myths ... the language of magic is the "Language of the Moon"