
The Well-Lived Life: A 102-Year-Old Doctor's Six Secrets to Health and Happiness at Every Age


Dr. Gladys McGarey, the centenarian mother of holistic medicine, reveals “a story that teaches as much as it inspires” (Edith Eger, New York Times bestselling author), filled with life-changing secrets for how to live with joy, vitality, and purpose at any age.

Dr. Gladys McGarey, cofounder of the American Holistic Medical Association, began her medical practice at a time when women couldn’t even have their own bank accounts. Over the past sixty years, she has pioneered a new way of thinking about disease and health that has transformed the way we imagine health care and self-care around the world.

On these pages, Dr. McGarey shares her six actionable secrets to enjoying lives that are long, happy, and purpose-driven:

-Spend your energy wildly: How to embrace your life fully and feel motivated every day.

-All life needs to move: How to move—spiritually, mentally, and physically—to help let go of trauma and other roadblocks.

-You are here for a reason: How to find the everyday “juice” that helps you stay oriented in your life’s purpose.

-You are never alone: How to build a community that’s meaningful to you.

-Everything is your teacher: Discover the deep learnings that come from pain and setbacks.

-Love is the most powerful medicine: Learn to love yourself—and others—into healing.

In a voice that is both practical and inspiring, Dr. McGarey shares her own extraordinary stories and eternal wisdom—from her early childhood in India and a chance encounter with Mahatma Gandhi to her life as a physician and a mother of six, to her survival of both heartbreak and illness. Dr. Gladys shares her inspiring vision for a healthier and more joyful future for us all, filled with “rich and complex truths that will resonate with readers’ hearts and minds” (Dr. Robert Waldinger, New York Times bestselling author).


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