Although Thomas Kling (1957-2005) has exerted a strong influence on German poetry at least since the late 1980s, up to the present day his oeuvre has largely been neglected by literary scholars. By exploring Kling's multifaceted works extensively, thoroughly and from varyious perspectives, the present volume seeks to change this situation.Topics include Kling's concepts of poetic performance and essay writing, his self-fashioning as an author and his 'poetics of interference'. Kling's highly individual practices of productive reception are also addressed: ranging from his reference to the punk movement and poets like Droste or Celan to his 'rescue work' in the Middle Ages and the early modern period. In addition to this, shorter articles concentrate on the specific poetic procedures for which Kling's poetry earned its fame. The volume concludes with a first report on his unpublished works and a panel discussion between Franz Josef Czernin, Heinrich Detering and Hubert Winkels.
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