
An Expedition to Mount St. Elias, Alaska (Illustrated Edition)


Israel C. Russell's 'An Expedition to Mount St. Elias, Alaska' provides a detailed account of the author's adventurous journey to the remote Alaskan wilderness. Written in a straightforward and descriptive style, the book captures the awe-inspiring beauty of the icy landscapes and the challenges faced by the expedition team. Russell's meticulous observations of the flora, fauna, and geological features of the region make this book a valuable resource for geologists, mountaineers, and those interested in exploration literature. The addition of illustrations enhances the reader's visual understanding of the expedition's findings and experiences. Set in the late 19th century, the book reflects the spirit of discovery and scientific inquiry of the time, making it a fascinating read for history enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers alike. Israel C. Russell, a renowned geologist and explorer, drew from his personal experiences on the expedition to Mount St. Elias, showcasing his expertise in the field. His passion for exploration and dedication to scientific research are evident in the detailed descriptions and meticulous documentation presented in the book. Readers interested in the intersection of exploration, geology, and history will find 'An Expedition to Mount St. Elias, Alaska' a captivating and informative read, shedding light on the challenges and triumphs of early Arctic exploration.