
And Then the Roof Caved In


And Then the Roof Caved In will lay bare the truth of the credit crisis, whose defining emotion at every turn has been greed, and whose defining failure is the complicity of the U.S. government in letting that greed rule the day. It will lay that truth out in painstaking detail with compelling characters who offer their first-hand accounts of what they did and why they did it. Faber explains the events of the previous seven years that created the crisis of confidence that culminated on September 18th. He begins in 2001, when the Federal Reserve embarked on an unprecedented effort to help the economy recover from the attacks of 9/11 by sending interest rates to all time lows. One result was the start of a housing bubble, the likes of which our nation had never witnessed. Readers will hear from the man behind that bubble, Dr. Alan Greenspan, who vigorously defended his decisions during this period, as well as the men and women who used sub-prime mortgages to buy their homes and now fi

Fortæller: Dennis Holland