
Biblical Dogmatics


This book contains the substance of the lectures which for a number of years I have been giving to my classes in Dogmatics. At the request of my friend, the Rev. J. W. Horine, D. D., Manager of the Board of Publication of the United Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the South, it has been turned over to the Board for publication.

The title of the book is also his suggestion. I was inclined to call it simply A Brief Dogmatics. I am aware that the title Biblical Dogmatics is open to just criticism, chiefly because of possible confusion with what is called in theological study Biblical Theology. But the title chosen will serve to indicate my conviction that Christian doctrine is biblical doctrine.

In so brief a discussion of the great subject of which the book treats I thought an index was not necessary, especially as the table of contents is quite full.

A. G. Voigt.

Columbia, S. C.,

August, 1916.

CrossReach Publications