
Breakthrough Training In the Zone


Breakthrough Training In the Zone

Addictive workout music with binaural beats

Burn fat, increase energy and motivation

Boost Beta-Endorphin production

Look forward to exercise

You know aerobic exercise is important for your health and weight, but you dread getting on the treadmill because it's so boring. Problem solved. Slip on your headphones and listen to your own personal sports coach take you on an inspired journey toward greater health and fitness. Within minutes this superb guided meditation for working out will have you stretching, walking, laughing and maybe even dancing for joy.

An intoxicating fusion of world beat rhythms and Gamma binaural beats gradually accelerates your pace while high Beta brain waves focus your mind. Brainwave entrainment to the Gamma and Beta waves give you that extra boost of energy you need. Customers say they're addicted to our workout programs. Use Breakthrough Training for any kind of exercise— walking, biking, running, weight training, and certainly dancing!

It’s like nothing you’ve ever tried before.