
Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter and Some Poems


Ben Jonson's 'Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter and Some Poems' is a collection of essays and poems that provide a unique insight into the Elizabethan literary scene. Jonson's prose is known for its wit and keen observation of human nature, making this work a valuable resource for scholars of Renaissance literature. With a blend of personal reflections and critical analysis, Jonson tackles a wide range of topics, from the nature of friendship to the role of the poet in society. This collection showcases Jonson's versatility as a writer, from his sharp satirical essays to his poignant and introspective poems. 'Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter and Some Poems' is a testament to Jonson's skill as a wordsmith and his deep understanding of human behavior and society. Students of early modern literature will find this book to be an essential addition to their reading list, offering a window into the mind of one of the period's most influential writers.