


is your company empowered for success?

You know it's happening within your organization. Your people-using low-cost, accessible technology-are connecting with customers and building innovative new solutions. But who are these creative problem solvers? How can you lead them? How can you be one?

We call them HEROes: highly empowered and resourceful operatives. Your company needs them because, in the age of twitter, iPhones, Facebook, YouTube, and an ever-evolving torrent of web information, your customers now step up to the counter armed with more data and access than ever before-often overmatching your team.

In Empowered, Forrester's Josh Bernoff- coauthor of the pioneering book Groundswell- and Ted Schadler explain how to transform your company by unleashing the force of HEROes. Like John Bernier and Ben Hedrington at Best Buy, who built an army of twenty-five hundred tweeting employees to reach out to customers online. or John Stadick, who equipped six hundred sales staffers with i

Fortæller: Josh Bernoff