
Exciting Events: Volume 01


Your Story Hour proudly presents a new set of exciting, dramatized stories. Listen as Desmond Doss, the courageous WW2 medic, saves the lives of 75 wounded American soldiers on Okinawa. Or return to the year 1781 as teenger Emily Geiger risks her life to carry a secret message from patriot officer Nathan Greene through enemy lines. Catch the action as 11-year-old Allen Jay helps a runaway slave escape via the Underground Railway...or as young Johnny Darragh bravely carries coded messages to George Washington's army. Discover how teenage sculptress, Vinnie Ream, becomes a true friend of Abraham Lincoln...or how young Abbie Burgess single-handedly saves countless sailors by keeping the Matinicus Rock lighthouse burning when violent storms keep her father from returning home. Great listening entertainment for the whole family!