
Industrial Revolution : Facts, Inventions, Impact, and Timeline Explained


The Industrial Revolution was a period of shift in Britain, continental Europe, and the USA from around 1760 till at some point between 1820 and 1840, when new production innovations were introduced. The shift from hand to device production, new chemical and iron production strategies, increased use of steam and waterpower, the development of device tools, and the rise of the mechanized factory system were all part of this change. The Industrial Revolution also introduced a period of remarkable population growth.

In regard to work, output value, and capital invested, fabrics were the most essential market throughout the Industrial Revolution. Textiles were also amongst the first markets to adopt modern production methods.

The Industrial Revolution started in the U.K., and a lot of the scientific and architectural developments were developed there.

Through the activities of the East India Company, Britain was the world's leading industrial country by the mid-18th century, controlling a worldwide trading empire with groups in the USA and Canada and the Caribbean, and significant army and political hegemony on the Indian subcontinent, especially with the proto-industrialized Mughal Bengal.

One of the essential reasons for the Industrial Revolution was the development of trade and the rise of business.

Let’s explore in which area the revolution made all its changes, and what consequences this had for families, child labor, the economy, farmers, and politics.

Fortæller: Doug Greene