
Nature and Virtue Themed Exercises for Relaxation and Concentration: Guided Imagery, Visualisations and Drawing Tasks


This book includes nature and virtue themed guided imagery and visualisations. The exercises involve sitting, lying down, standing, or walking. There are also coloured pencil drawing tasks, which include nature observation and colouring virtues. The audiobook has the same exercises as the 2nd edition of the printed book. The instructions in the beginning of the book are shortened in the audiobook.

Narrator: Rebecca Clamp (British female voice).

Recorded by Hans Wessels.

Cover image, an opening oak bud: Yadana Tun.


1. Nature and Virtue Themed Exercises for Relaxation and Concentration

2. Drawing Exercises

3. Ancient Forest

4. By the Seashore

5. Mountains

6. In a Meadow

7. Inside an Oak Grove

8. At a Lake

9. In an Alpine Meadow

10. In a Garden

11. Thankfulness

12. Serenity

13. Wonder

14. Peacefulness

15. Courage

16. Determination

17. Kindness

18. Patience

19. Confidence

20. In Nature

21. Slow Walk

22. Times of Day

23. Drawing Times of Day

24. Three Words

25. Colours of Virtues

26. Colours in Nature

27. Forms in Nature

28. Observing Nature with Coloured Pencils

29. Observing the Transformation from a Bud to Leaves

30. Creating Your Own Colouring Pages Out of Autumn Leaves