


Imagine you are waking up in the morning. Your eyes open. You remember it's Wednesday. Then, suddenly, a torrent of obligations, worries, and doubts flood you so fast you cannot even catch your breath. The stress, guilt, and fear of making the wrong choices paralyze you. This momentum of this vicious whirlpool pulls you right in. Your thoughts and emotions are all spinning fast but going nowhere. Except for down, deeper. It is frightening and tiring, and you have not even risen from bed yet.

Why are you locked in this routine? How can you break free?

Overthinking causes you to obsess and ruminate on all the worries of yesterday and tomorrow. As a result, you miss what is special and unique about today. Overthinking can stop you from experiencing the life you have and keep you trapped in the past or worried about the disasters of the future.

With this audiobook, you will learn how to eradicate overthinking and the negative thinking patterns you have formed over time. By understanding and implementing the information within this audiobook, you will be able to effectively and efficiently introduce positive thinking habits to your life, and diminish the impulse to follow negative habits.

Fortæller: Ivan Busenius