This inaugural issue of "Romantik": Journal for the Study of Romanticisms" contains seven articles that explore the connection between Romanticism and the political sphere. This topic has long been in need of redefinition. By gathering work from across disciplines with an interdisciplinary or cross-cultural scope, the topic is opened up to new perspectives of investigation. The articles in this first issue present new and exciting analyses of such diverse discourses as mythology, the fairy tale, historiography, elite culture, landscape painting, sculpture and dreaming.
Rusmiddelbrugere : i krydsfeltet mellem sektorer og fagligheder
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bookVerdenslitteraturer : Introduktion til litteraturen uden for Europa
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bookHvad er scenariedidaktik?
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bookLæremidlernes danskfag
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bookReformationen : 1500-tallets kulturrevolution
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bookDen humane vending : En antologi
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bookVerden på fransk
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bookMisbrugsbehandling : Organisering, indsatser og behov
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bookViden om drab
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bookK&K 113: Fertilitet, teknologi og globalisering
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bookK&K 110: Overvågning i samtidskunsten
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bookWittgenstein : Om religion og religiøsitet
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Romantik : Journal for the Study of Romanticisms
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bookRomantik : Journal for the Study of Romanticisms
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bookRemember this! Vergiss dies nicht!
Damodar Paralkar
Maisey Yates
audiobookNatt utan återvändo
Sarah Morgan
Faith Baldwin
bookNär västanvinden blåser...
Faith Baldwin
bookKärlekens tre ansikten
Faith Baldwin
audiobookbookSkönheten och ödet
Faith Baldwin
audiobookbookKärlek eller äktenskap
Faith Baldwin