
Rules for Renegades


Renegade entrepreneur - and runaway success story - Christine Comaford-Lynch has lived the kind of life most of us can only dream about. From model to monk to multimillionaire, she does what she wants - and gets things done. Now, in ten outrageous life lessons, she'll show you how to make your dreams come true.

Rules for Renegades distills what Christine has learned as she succeeded (and failed) in business, built strong relationships (and some disasters), and evolved spiritually and professionally. If you want to become financially independent, she'll show you how to do it. If you want to build your confidence and self-esteem, she'll give you a crash course. If you want a meaningful life full of rich connections, she'll share her secrets.

Ultimately, she lets you in on the greatest secret of all: how to build a fulfilling life while rocking your career. She'll tell you how to link to cool, free stuff, like a sample business plan outline, tutorials on sales and marketing techniques, an