
The Journey is Home : Notes from a life on the edge


In this clear and absorbing memoir, John Sam Jones writes of a life lived on the edge. It is story of journeys and realisation, of acceptance and joy. From a boyhood on the coast of Wales to a traumatic period studying at Aberystwyth, to a scholarship at Berkley in California as the AIDS epidemic began to take hold before returning to Liverpool and north Wales to work in community engagement and sexual health. A journey of becoming a writer and chronicler of his experiences with award-winning books and the desire to become a campaigner for LGBT rights in Wales. The adventure of running a guest house in Barmouth - where he eventually became Mayor - with his husband, a German academic, who he had married after a long partnership.

Three weeks after the European Referendum they put the business on the market and moved to Germany. John is still on that journey...

Fortæller: John Sam Jones