
The World As I Have Found It


Sequel to Incidents in the Life of a Blind Girl. First published in 1878. Autobiography of a blind woman, followed by the essays: Help the Blind Help Themselves, Sight of the Blind, How do the Blind See, Invocation to Light, Is It More to Lose Eyes than the Ears? and Education of the Blind. It also includes a collection of poems by the blind. Such a book as this has a value which, probably, has not occurred to its author. She has put on record the phenomena of her life as she has recollected them, with great simplicity, merely for the entertainment of her readers, without attaching any importance to the value which every such memoir has in the department of science. But it is just from the study of such phenomena as these that the students in mental and moral philosophy learn the laws of mind and the operations of a human soul under a divine, moral government. "