What does the Bible say about finding a spouse? This book seeks to steer a middle course between the rocks of legalism and the cliffs of sexual compromise on the subject of finding a spouse. Unlike some books on the subject, this book does not park on one Biblical model and insist that everyone adopt that model for finding their spouse. Instead, it outlines the universal Biblical principles related to the subject, and then shows how the Bible applies those universal principles to unique situations by giving us several models for finding a spouse. This approach is helpful for any culture and any situation in this fallen world. Legalism is a false hope and sexual compromise only gives false joy and false intimacy. The Bible alone shows us where to find wisdom. And to those who "find wisdom," Proverbs says, "Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace" (Prov. 3:17 ESV).
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bookThe Canon of Scripture
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