
Get Rich with Dividends


A comprehensive, updated guide to dividend investing that shows how to obtain double-digit returns with ease. Dividends are responsible for 44% of the Ss returns over the last 80 years. Today they present an excellent opportunity, especially with investors who have been burned in the dot com and housing meltdowns, desperate for sensible and less risky ways to make their money grow. Designed to show investors how they can achieve double-digit average annualized returns over the long-term, Get Rich with Dividends, Second Edition: A Proven System for Earning Double-Digit Returns is the book youll need to get started making money in any market. The beauty of dividend investing is that its extremely easy to understand and takes up almost none of the investors time. The investor doesnt have to constantly watch over their investments, and can focus on other things, secure in the knowledge that the system is working and they are accumulating wealth or generating the income

Lukija: Paul McClain