
Ad Hominem

Livre audio

God is dead. Killer at large.

In a world filled with powerful witches and wizards, Professor Marcus Orren is about as magical as your average brick, leading to a life of rampant cynicism coupled with mild-to-moderate alcohol abuse.

While his contemporaries are content in their sorcerous ways, Marcus dares to ask the important questions in life, such as: “How can a pyromancer summon fire without fuel and a spark?” or, “What, exactly, is so special about a simple chalk circle that people assume it will ever turn iron into gold?”

His latest theory, an academic rebuttal of a God named Tomas, stands so air-tight that the Universe itself is forced to agree, promptly erasing the actual Tomas straight from existence. Unfortunately for Marcus, there are hundreds of Gods roaming the heavens above, and nearly all are the type to hold a grudge.

Narration : Joel Simler
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