
Arise, And Climb The Mountain: When God doesn't move the mountains, He gives you faith to climb them

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Sharon was enjoying her dream job, when suddenly life took an unexpected turn that turned her well-ordered life upside down. She made the bold decision to stop running on the fast-paced Chicago treadmill and catch her breath. While processing a life review, she recalled memories of difficult events, including struggling with physical health issues, a painful divorce, a radical career change, betrayal, moving to a different state, death of a loved one, and becoming an overnight caregiver for family. Sharon felt overwhelmed by the heavy layers of grief and loss. When the combination of events felt like an insurmountable mountain of pain to conquer, author Sharon Eleanor Todd found comfort in God’s presence through a special place of healing and restoration in the Adirondack Mountains.

Arise, and Climb the Mountain is an opportunity to join Sharon on her inspirational faith journey of discovering renewed hope and purpose. With the beautiful Adirondacks as a backdrop, Sharon recounts God’s love and faithfulness on her trek through life’s mountainous terrain. Be encouraged

Narration : Redemption Press
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