
Beekeeping : The Techniques, Benefits, and Drawbacks of Beekeeping Explained

Livre audio

Beekeeping can be a great hobby and/or business. Many people have made it work for them, either as a side activity or as a fulltime job.

In order for you to make beekeeping a regular pastime, you have to know what you’re doing. Guides like these are especially designed to help you along the way. In this book, for example, you will hear about:

- Honey tips and tricks.

- How to harvest honey more effectively.

- How to prevent bee stings.

- Why bumblebees are so much different from other bee races.

- How to control and manage the bees.

- The overall pros and cons of a beekeeping business.

And so much more! You’d be surprised how much information you can find in only a small number of pages. Go ahead and check it out.

Narration : Mark Milroy
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