
Gilt: A Lamentation's End Novella

Livre audio

"If you can't see the cage for the gilt, good girl, you're already trapped."

As a child, Carolle Graean fended for herself as the Pixie of Mawr Bryn. Upon her arrest, she received a choice: join the Patevian Royal Dance Troupe or suffer the full consequences for her crimes. Nine years later, Carolle “Ysbryd” and her fellow former troublins are opening Elysant on the Glass in the Racinian capital of Trône d'Argent.

Luxuries are abundant in the country of Racine, and they're often used to misdirect. High House nobles aim to ascend the rings of Verdict Hill for wealth and power, no matter the consequence to others. Thrust into a high society rife with clandestine agendas, Carolle must decide who she is, the criminal or the spirit.

Narration : Sonja Field
Durée :