
How to stay looking and feeling 10 years younger : A Book helping men stay young

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At the time of publishing this book I’m turning 40 years old, yet I’m often told that I look no more than 28 to 30. A compliment I want to help everyone experience. No, I did not come from a long line of models, tan Greek God’s, or movie stars. I’m an average middle class pasty white guy, who despite serving in the harsh environments of the US military for nearly 20 years, hacked his life in a way that creates a more youthful appearance.

How to stay looking and feeling 10 years younger: is a book geared towards men (most applies to women) who are looking for simple yet thorough step by step lifestyle hacks, tricks, principles, and mindsets that are obtainable by all.

Regardless of whether you are in tip top shape, just getting started, or in your dad bod phase, this book is designed using the 80/20 principal concepts to help you format your life to look and feel 10 years younger!

How you look is how you feel, and when your confidence is high in how you look and feel, you can move mountains.

Narration : Eric Amstutz
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