English Polish Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Polish as their second language. Fun bedtime story with important message. Jimmy the little bunny is in trouble. Accidently, he ruined his mother favourite flowers. Will it help if he lies? Or is it better to tell the truth and try to solve the problem in different way? Help your children to learn to be more honest with this fun children’s book.
I Love to Keep My Room Clean મને મારો રૂમ સાફ રાખવો બહુ ગમે છે.
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
bookMe encanta la guardería I Love to Go to Daycare
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
bookAmo dormire nel mio letto I Love to Sleep in My Own Bed
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
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Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
bookJ’aime dormir dans mon lit
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
bookI Love My Mom أحب أمي
Shelley Admont
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Shelley Admont
bookLet’s Play, Mom ! فَلْنَـْـــلعب يا أمّي
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Shelley Admont