
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery : Healing After Emotional or Mental Trauma. Calming the Storm, Get Back Confidence, Self-Esteem, Mental Toughness with NLP, CBT, Empath Skills, Crystals, Chakra Meditation

Livre audio

Have you ever suffered from mental or emotional abuse? Have you lost self-esteem and confidence after an emotional or psychological trauma? Have you ever been in a toxic relationship but didn't know how to get out? Then, keep reading...

The truth is that many of us, at one time or another, find ourselves trapped in situations - whether at work, at home, or at our favorite hangout joints - where we struggle with our relationship with abusive narcissistic people.

You'll learn:

• Ten signs that you are a victim of narcissistic abuse

• The meaning of narcissistic victim syndrome (NVS)

• The seven signs of emotional abuse

• The four key stages of healing after narcissistic abuse

• Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to recover from mental and psychological trauma

• Effective meditation and visualization techniques

• The use of crystals and chakras meditation for healing

• Steps to rebuild self-confidence and self-esteem

• Ways to break up toxic relationships and create new healthy ones

• How to win new friends with neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

• Ways to prevent future abuse

Even if you think you can't get out of these painful situations, the simple but powerful techniques in this audiobook will guide you step by step to heal and improve your mental, emotional, and psychological condition.

Would you like to know more?

Listen to it now to transform your or your loved one’s life and begin your journey to freedom!

Narration : Courtney Encheff
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