
Relieve Jet Lag

Livre audio

Relieve Jet Lag

Relax and meditate

Supercharge your brain for work, study, and peak performance

Resynchronize your internal clock

Jet lag, or desynchronization in medical terms, is a temporary condition that packs many symptoms. The traveler's internal clock is thrown out of sync with the external environment causing sleep patterns to be off. Fatigue, headaches, and general malaise are common for those who are not on a regular schedule. Symptoms can last anywhere from 3 days to a week.

If you’re tired of being tired when you travel, just slip on your headphones and listen to this powerful meditation music to relieve jet lag, and arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and alert.

Brain Wave Therapy utilizing Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta and Gamma waves create brainwave entrainment that will help balance and restore your brain’s sodium and potassium levels, which reduces mental fatigue and brain fog associated with jet lag. These recordings are completely free of spoken words. Powerful combinations of brainwave binaural beats are harmonically layered in beautiful music.

Narration : Kelly Howell
Durée :