
The Rise of Open Source Software

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Open source software finds its connections with free software and is part of free and open source software over the extended term. Open-source software (OSS) is a form of computer software program that releases source code under a licensing legitimacy wherein the copyright holder allows users the privilege to analyze, modify and share the software to anyone and for any productive purpose. Open-source software may be created either freely and collaboratively. Open-source software is a case in point of open collaboration.

The progress of open-source software will offer assorted perspectives beyond those of a single enterprise A 2008 study from the Standish Group reported that the implementation of open-source software models culminated in savings for customers of around $60 billion (£ 48 billion) annually. Initiatives of open source software are undertaken and managed by a network of voluntary programming associations and are commonly used in the gamut of both free and commercial outputs.

Narration : Tracy Tupman
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