The Science of Mind proposes a science with a new relationship between humans and God. Holmes' writing details how people can actively engage their mind in creating change throughout their lives. Explanations of how to pray and meditate, heal oneself spiritually, find self-confidence, and express love led Holmes to believe Religious Science is "a philosophy, a faith and a way of life."
Creative Mind :
Ernest Holmes
audiobookCreative Mind and Success & The Science of Getting Rich : Practical Guide to Prosperity and Wealth
Ernest Holmes, Wallace D. Wattles
bookCreative Mind & Success : Practical and Philosophical Guide to Mental Wellness
Ernest Holmes
bookThe Science of Mindfulness : Complete Trilogy - Creative Mind, Creative Mind and Success & The Science of Mind
Ernest Holmes
bookCreative Mind : Lessons and Speeches on Mental and Spiritual Law
Ernest Holmes
bookRELIGIOUS SCIENCE - The Fundamental Teachings of Ernest Holmes : New Thought Collection; Creative Mind, Creative Mind and Success & The Science of Mind
Ernest Holmes
bookThe Philosophy Emerson : A Conversation between Ralph Waldo Emerson and Ernest Holmes
Ernest Holmes
audiobookHow to Use Your Power : 20 Practical Lessons for Creating a Balanced Life
Ernest Holmes
audiobookLife is What You Make It
Ernest Holmes
audiobookThe Philosophy of Jesus : Updated and Gender-Neutral
Ernest Holmes
audiobookThe Science the Mind
Ernest Holmes