
When Gadgets Betray Us

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Technology is evolving faster than we are. As our BlackBerry devices, tablets, and digital capabilities become more and more complex we understand less and less about how they work. we no longer read the instruction manual before powering on, and we demand intuitive interfaces that get us up and running right away. But how many of us actually stop to think about potential threats to our privacy?

Our passports broadcast our personal information and could allow terrorists to target us by nationality. Keyless entry systems in many high-tech car models make auto theft easier than ever. Commercial photocopiers are equipped with hard drives that can document everything we ever copied on it. And our digital photos, even after they're cropped, can expose the entire original image (hope you weren't doing anything naughty in that facebook profile picture).

In When Gadgets Betray Us, Robert Vamosi, a technology reporter and analyst who has been covering the internet age for over a decade, inves

Narration : Sean Pratt
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