
Zone Policeman 88; a close range study of the Panama canal and its workers

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In Harry Alverson Franck's 'Zone Policeman 88; A Close Range Study of the Panama Canal and Its Workers', the author provides a detailed and immersive exploration of the Panama Canal and the individuals who worked tirelessly to build and maintain this engineering marvel. Franck's writing style is engaging and informative, offering readers a unique insight into the lives and experiences of those in the Panama Canal Zone. The book also delves into the political and social dynamics of the region, providing a broader context for understanding the historical significance of the canal. Franck's firsthand observations and vivid descriptions add depth to the narrative, making it a compelling read for those interested in the history of the Panama Canal and its impact on society. As a renowned travel writer and adventurer, Franck's personal experiences and keen observations bring a distinct perspective to the subject matter, making 'Zone Policeman 88' a must-read for history buffs, researchers, and anyone curious about the Panama Canal's rich history and cultural significance.