
God probably doesn't exist


This book is about not believing in God.

It’s that simple. God probably doesn’t exist.

The first person to invent a god instantly turned all those who did not invent gods into non-believers.?It is still that way; everyone is born a non-believer. Believing in a god is something that you have to learn. No one believes in all gods. (No one even knows the names of all gods.) Most people believe in almost no gods. People who do not believe in any gods just add one more god to the list of gods they don’t believe in. The problem is that if one religion is true, the others must be false. You don’t have to be a non-believer to understand that – the religions say so themselves.

Patrick Lindenfors has written a smart and humorous book about not believing. Targetting mainly young adults, the book urges readers to think for themselves. The illustrations are made by Vanja Schelin.