Twenty-seven-year-old Detective Reiko Himekawa has an impressive ability to solve crimes. When a gruesomely slaughtered body wrapped in plastic is discovered, Reiko soon uncovers eleven other murders with a similar 'signature' and a reference to something called 'strawberry night', a group that recruits victims and murderers on the internet. To solve the case, Reiko is forced to reach back into her own troubled past.
Timeline - rejsen til fortiden
Michael Crichton
audiobookThe Retreat
Sherri Smith
bookGhosts of Manhattan (A Ghost Novel)
George Mann
bookThe Aosawa Murders
Riku Onda
bookCrazy Paving : the brilliant addictive contemporary psychological suspense novel from the author of Apple Tree Yard
Louise Doughty
bookBang Bang Bodhisattva
Aubrey Wood
audiobookAmazing spider-man: Beyond
Inoue Takehiko, Patrick Gleason, Jed Mackay, Kelly Thompson, Zeb Wells
Jack Ketchum
audiobookThe Gun
Fuminori Nakamura
audiobookMy Dirty California
Jason Mosberg
audiobookbookThe Good Teacher
Rachel Sargeant
audiobookLady Joker, Volume 2
Kaoru Takamura