
The Three Bears of Porcupine Ridge


The Three Bears of Porcupine Ridge

Ring Neck, Leader of the Flying Wedge

The Revolt of Timothy

The Little Red Doe of Deer Pass

Dame Woodchuck and the Red Monster

Tracked by a Catamount

The Call of the Moose

The Last Wolf of the Pack

How Unk-Wunk the Porcupine Met His Match

The Ghost of the Wainscot

Why the Weasel Never Sleeps

Mrs. White-Spot and Her Kittens

In the Bobcat's Den

Why Ahmuk the Beaver Moved

Nicodemus, King of Crow Colony

The Story of Rusty Starling

Where the Partridge Drums

How Solomon Owl Became Wise

The King of Balsam Swamp

The Giant of the Corn-Field

The Bravery of Ebenezer Coon

The Narrow Escape of Velvet Wings

Nemox, the Crafty Robber of the Marshes

The Keeper of Tamarack Ridge