
Agnarr's Jarlin


Piper: Having accepted my fate as Agnarr's mate, I'm thrust into Niflheim's tribal politics. Agnarr and I will become the new jarl and jarlin, as Astrid is eager to step down. But the arrival of twelve human women adds complexity. Some elders readily accept us, while others hold prejudiced views, seeing humans as weak and useless. Between this and the insatiable mating frenzy Agnarr and I still find ourselves in, it's all I can do to keep my head above water. I must lean on my fellow humans and mate to navigate this new life.

Agnarr: My elska mate is here, slowly adjusting, but my new role demands more than I'd hoped. I'm to be jarl with Piper as my jarlin. I knew the transition would be difficult, but the addition of twelve women has made it even more so. Some respond with dangerous, outdated ideas. It takes all my restraint not to react with brute strength, so I lean on Piper and Astrid to learn diplomacy and restraint. All I want to do is allow myself to fall into the mating frenzy, but there is a tribe to run and a future to be forged.

Contains mature themes.