Giovanni Diodati 1603 - Elberfelder 1905
Svenska Bibeln 1917
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookSuomalais Englantilainen Raamattu No6
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookSvensk Ryska Bibeln
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookSvensk Italienska Bibeln
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookSvensk Turkiska Bibeln
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookSvensk Engelska Bibeln
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookSvensk Polska Bibeln
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookSvensk Albanska Bibeln
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookSvensk Polska Bibeln II
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookSvensk Italienska Bibeln II
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookSvensk Latinska Bibeln
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookSvensk Portugisiska Bibeln
TruthBeTold Ministry
English Spanish Portuguese Italian Bible
TruthBeTold Ministry, Joern Andre Halseth, King James, Cipriano De Valera, João Ferreira, Giovanni Luzzi
bookDouble English Bible
TruthBeTold Ministry, Joern Andre Halseth, King James, Noah Webster
bookEnglish Norwegian Portuguese Bible
TruthBeTold Ministry, Joern Andre Halseth, King James, Det Norske Bibelselskap, João Ferreira
bookEnglish Portuguese Bible No1
TruthBeTold Ministry, Joern Andre Halseth, King James, João Ferreira
bookEnglish German Swedish Italian Bible
bookEnglish Norwegian French German Spanish Bible No2
TruthBeTold Ministry, Joern Andre Halseth, King James, Det Norske Bibelselskap, Louis Segond, John Nelson Darby, Julius Von Poseck, Carl Brockhaus, Cornelis Hermanus Voorhoeve, Cipriano De Valera
bookEnglish Norwegian German Bible
TruthBeTold Ministry, Joern Andre Halseth, King James, Det Norske Bibelselskap, Martin Luther
bookEnglish German Russian Bible No1
TruthBeTold Ministry, Joern Andre Halseth, King James, Martin Luther
bookEnglish Chinese Bible No1
TruthBeTold Ministry, Joern Andre Halseth, King James, Calvin Mateer
bookEnglish Norwegian Italian Bible
TruthBeTold Ministry, Joern Andre Halseth, King James, Det Norske Bibelselskap, Giovanni Diodati
bookEnglish German Bible No1
TruthBeTold Ministry, Joern Andre Halseth, King James, Martin Luther
bookBiblia Español
TruthBeTold Ministry
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