The survivors of the apocalypse, known as the Mud Island Family, embark on a journey across the United States in search of a network of supply silos left behind by the Air Force. What begins as a simple mission, becomes an adventure of discovery when they locate yet another super-shelter built by the Titus Rush Survival group. They are forced to place their lives in danger repeatedly as they encounter survivors who have either turned to each other for help or resorted to evil at the expense of others. Their journey takes them to the vast missile fields of Wyoming, where the United States Air Force has left behind more than what they expected to find. The Chief, Kathy, Cassandra, and Captain Miller make friends and enemies as they confront new horrors in the world of the infected dead.
Scream for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookAlive for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookBurn for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookSafe for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookInfected Dead Series Boxed Set
Bob Howard
audiobookInfected Dead Series Boxed Set
Bob Howard
audiobookReturned for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookBuried for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookShelter for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookExist for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookDie for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookSurvive for Now
Bob Howard
Alive for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookSurvive for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookDie for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookExist for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookShelter for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookBuried for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookScream for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookReturned for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookBurn for Now
Bob Howard
audiobookSafe for Now
Bob Howard
Zombie Rules
David Achord
audiobookWhite Flag of the Dead
Joseph Talluto
audiobookRise Again : Below Zero
Ben Tripp
audiobookChaos Theory
Rich Restucci
audiobookDead Haven
Flint Maxwell
Wayne Simmons
audiobookPlague of the Undead
Joe McKinney
L. I. Albemont
audiobookDead City
Joe McKinney
audiobookThe Complete Brother's Creed Box Set
Joshua C. Chadd
Kellee L. Greene
Devon C. Ford