When devastating news shatters the life of six-year-old Harvey, she finds herself in the care of a veteran social worker and alone in the world save for one relative she has never met – a disabled ex-con, haunted by a violent past he can’t escape. Moving between past and present, and written in a wonderful raw, spare prose, this novel is the journey of two people searching for a future in the ruins of their past.
Simon Van Booy
audiobookbookThe Secret Lives of People In Love : Includes the award-winning collection Love Begins in Winter
Simon Van Booy
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Simon Van Booy
bookFather's Day
Simon Van Booy
bookFather's Day : A Novel
Simon Van Booy
audiobookEverything Beautiful Began After : A Novel
Simon Van Booy
audiobookbookThe Illusion of Separateness
Simon Van Booy