1. Living With ADHD: A Comprehensive Guide for Men and Women with Adult ADHD to Achieve Emotional Control, Boost Productivity, Enhance Relationships, and Attain Success in Life.

    Eric Holt

  2. ADHD & Focus: Techniques for Men & Women with Adult ADHD to Boost Your Self Discipline, Productivity, Time Management, and Emotional Control to Overcome Procrastination, Distractions, and Burnout.

    Eric Holt

  3. Dark Psychology: Master Human Manipulation Using Mind Control, Covert NLP, and Subliminal Persuasion to Learn How To Analyze People With Body Language, Speed Reading Techniques, and Hypnosis.

    Eric Holt

  4. Narcissistic Abuse, Gaslighting, & Codependency Recovery: Protect Yourself Against Dark Psychology Tactics, Recognize Emotionally Abusive People, and Spot Manipulation to End Toxic Relationships.

    Eric Holt

  5. How To Analyze People: Read People Like a Book with Dark Psychology Secrets, NLP Techniques, Body Language Analysis, Enhanced Emotional Intelligence, and Expert-Level Manipulation Skills.

    Eric Holt

  6. Gaslighting: Recognize Manipulation and Emotionally Abusive People, Spot Narcissists, and Defend Yourself Against Dark Psychology Tactics to Break Free from Toxic Relationships

    Eric Holt

  7. Habits That Stick: Transform Your Life One Routine at a Time and Uncover the Habits of Highly Effective People to Boost Your Productivity, Increase Your Success, and Achieve Your Life Goals.

    Eric Holt

  8. How To Analyze People Reading Body Language: Speed Read People and Crack the Code of Human Behavior to Protect Yourself From Manipulation, NLP, Dark Psychology, Mind Control, and Persuasion Skills.

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  9. Mental Toughness: Stop Procrastination, Laziness, and Negative Thinking with This Step-by-Step Guide for Building Good Habits, Self-Discipline, Focus, Success, and Willpower to Achieve Your Goals.

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  10. Charisma: How to Talk to Anyone and Be More Charismatic in All Areas of Your Life with Powerful Techniques to Improve Small Talk Skills, Influence Others, Make Friends, and Become a Sociable Person.

    Eric Holt

  11. Self Discipline: The Ultimate Guide to Achieve Success in Business, Relationships, and Life with Unbreakable Habits, Navy Seal Mental Toughness, and a Monk Mindset for Increased Productivity

    Eric Holt

  12. Growth Mindset: The Proven Strategies for Unlocking the Secrets to Success, Overcoming Fear, Developing Self Discipline, Emotional Intelligence, and Self Confidence to Achieve a Better Future

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