Greatheart is a romance novel by Ethel M. Dell. Dell was a British writer of short stories and romantic novels. A classic story of "boy meets girl" where she is rescued from the tyrannical clenches of her mother and an abusive background. Excerpt: "Through all the painful hours of the long, long night and the eventless day, while the mad throng rushed onward like a great river toward eternity's ocean, this thought was uppermost in my mind. I tried to get the physician to promise that he would not expose me, and show the world what a hollow mockery I had been, and how I had deceived my best friends. I told him the whole truth, and asked him to spare my family the humiliation of knowing that though I might have led a blameless life, my sunny exterior was only a thin covering for bran and shorts and middlings, cracked wheat and pearl barley."
- 328 pages