
I Plead Alter Ego


Clare is a successful but newly divorced woman who battles various mental health issues. These include sex addiction, alcoholism, OCD, an eating disorder and depression. She juggles her demanding career and life as a single parent, all the while trying to hide her increasingly uncontrollable behaviour, which manifests itself as an alter ego called Roxy.

At the dawn of a new digital age, Clare joins Facebook, a newly released social media website that has taken over from MySpace, where she connects and meets with a former flame. Following an emotionally sadomasochistic dalliance with this former lover, Clare then has a string of casual sex encounters with strangers. She has a growing drink problem that sees the alter ego Roxy take over the decision-making, often leading Clare into dangerous situations. Her growing dependency displays itself through obsessive-compulsive traits such as excessive cleaning, exercising and handwashing while, at night time, she has insomnia and often thinks about death.

Clare spirals out of control and falls into a deep depression, but can she hope to find a way out?

Narrator: Amanda Verrall
