The Twilight novels by Stephenie Meyer have developed from a bookseries into a powerful phenomenon with an astonishing impact. Not only have the books been adapted for the screen, but they have also spawned a huge number of works by fans, readers, reviewers, and scholars. The multifaceted Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twilight brings together scholars from a variety of disciplines in order to address the key themes in the complex global phenomenon that is Twilight; a phenomenon that transcends the boundaries between continents, generations, and producers and consumers and not least between different genres and media.
The authors present in-depth literary and film analyses, and shed new light on perspectives on gender, fandom, vampire fiction and the economics of the book market. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twilight fills a void in Twilight research, and, linked by their cutting-edge research and unique theoretical and analytical perspectives, the authors compellingly map a massive global experience that speaks to the realities of contemporary culture.
Stephenie Meyers Twilight började som en serie ungdomsromaner men har blivit ett vÀxande globalt fenomen. Romanerna har filmatiserats och gett upphov till en mÀngd sidomaterial skapat av medieindustri, fans och recensenter. I Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twilight undersöker en tvÀrvetenskaplig grupp forskare nyckelteman i och kring Twilight. De kartlÀgger en komplex företeelse som överskrider grÀnser mellan kontinenter, generationer, producenter, konsumenter och medieformer och genrer.
Författarna gör analyser av exempelvis genus, fankultur, bokmarknaden och vampyrfiktionen som genre. Förenade av skarpsynta teoretiska resonemang, kunnighet om populÀrkultur och analytiska stÄndpunkter fördjupar skribenterna kunskapen om den samtida kulturella massupplevelse som Àr Twilight.