
Rush Revere and the First Patriots : Time-Travel Adventures With Exceptional Americans

audiobook & e-book

From Americaā€™s #1 radio talk show host and #1 New York Times bestselling author, the second book in a series for young readers with a history teacher who travels back in time to have adventures with exceptional Americans.

Rush Revere rides again! Saddle up with Rush Limbaughā€™s really good pal for a new time-travel adventure.

ā€œWhoa there, young historians! Before we go rush, rush, rushing off anywhere, Iā€™d like a moment. Iā€™m Liberty, Rush Revereā€™s loquacious equine companionā€”his trusty talking horse! Always at the ready to leap from the twenty-first century into Americaā€™s past, thatā€™s me. When he says ā€˜Letā€™s go!ā€™ Iā€™m so there. Iā€™m jazzed, Iā€™m psyched, Iā€™mā€”ā€

ā€œAh, excuse me, Liberty?ā€

ā€œYeah, Rush?ā€

ā€œUsually you say ā€˜oh no, not again!ā€™ and ā€˜while weā€™re in colonial Boston, can I try the baked beans?ā€™ā€

ā€œOkay, fineā€”you do the talking. Iā€™ll just be over here, if you need me.ā€¦ā€

Well, heā€™s sulking now, but I couldnā€™t be your tour guide across time without Liberty! His name says it all: the freedom we celebrate every July Fourth with fireworks and hot dogs (and maybe some of those baked beans). But how did America get free? How did thirteen newborn colonies tell the British king where he could stick his unfair taxes?

Jump into the bustling streets of Boston in 1765, where talk of revolution is growing louder. I said LOUDER. Youā€™ll have to SHOUT to be heard over the angry cries of ā€œDown with the king!ā€ and ā€œRepeal the Stamp Act!ā€ that fill the air. Youā€™ll meet fierce supporters of liberty like Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and my idol, Paul Revere, as they fearlessly defy British rule. Itā€™s an exciting, dangerous, turbulent, thrilling time to be an Americanā€¦and exceptional young patriots like you wonā€™t want to miss a minute. Letā€™s ride!

Narrator: Rush Limbaugh