
The Book of Whispers : The Keeper's Dissent


Did you ever wonder what it would be like to meet a character from the legends of old? Even better, imagine what it would be like if the characters from the world’s stories met each other…What would a Valkyrie say to a nymph? Look inside to find out!

In this series debut of a fantasy adventure for all ages, a young nymph finds herself trying to decipher a set of runes that hold the key to unlocking the book she carries…Along with the knowledge kept within it. The task she has been asked to fulfill takes her on a trek north, and she quickly finds herself immersed in the world of Viking folklore.

As she begins to discover the meaning of the script etched into the cover of the book, she realizes that she has been caught in the sights of a God’s quest for vengeance, and that those who are pursuing her have no intention of offering mercy. Frightened and on the run, Natasha wants nothing more than to return the book to the one person who can open it...The one they call the Keeper.

Narrator: Ryan James
