In The Duke, Carlos Acevedo chronicles Tommy Morrison's tumultuous life from his days as a teenaged Toughman contestant, to his victory over George Foreman, to his struggles with HIV and depression, to his death at forty-four, when his delusions finally overtook him.
Lit : A Memoir
audiobookThe Genius in my Basement
Alexander Masters
audiobookOur Secret Society : Mollie Moon and the Glamour, Money, and Power Behind the Civil Rights Movement
Tanisha Ford
audiobookChasing Shadows : A Special Agent's Lifelong Hunt to Bring a Cold Wa
Fred Burton
audiobookHousewife Assassin : The Woman Who Tried to Kill President Ford
Geri Spieler
audiobookFrom the Front Row
Jeffrey Loria
audiobookOne-Armed Jack : Uncovering the Real Jack the Ripper
Sarah Bax Horton
audiobookAll the Presidents' Money : How the Men Who Governed America Governed Their Money
Megan Gorman
audiobookRadio Free Afghanistan : A Twenty-Year Odyssey for an Independent Voice in Kabul
Saad Mohseni, Jenna Krajeski
audiobookThe Nazis Next Door : How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler’s Men
Eric Lichtblau
audiobookNo Haven : The Connecticut Mob and the Rise of America's Model City
Paul Bleakley
audiobookThe Bergdoll Boys
Timothy W. Lake